
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Five minutes with...Tre Dallas.

Hello lovelies!

Happy Sunday! Today I'm bringing you a new interview with makeup artist/stylist/fashion expert and BYS cosmetics ambassador, Tre Dallas!

Tre and I at the BYS event a couple of months ago.

In case you haven't heard of him before, Tre is a man of many talents. Of Thai descent, Tre has lived in Australia for about 26 years, out of which, 17 years have been spent working in the beauty and fashion industry. Tre started off living in Perth, Western Australia, where he studied fashion, makeup application and art (painting) before he decided to take the next step in his career by moving to Melbourne, which had more interesting opportunities to offer, career-wise.

1) Hi Tre, welcome to The Made Up Maiden blog, thanks so much for taking the time to sit down and answer a few questions for us! You wear quite a few hats, what's your favourite role, and why? Makeup artist, hair stylist or fashion stylist?
Hmm, tough one but I think I'd have to go with Makeup Artist. It's always been my first love, career wise, and it's also the area that I have the longest experience in!

2) Have you got any 'signature Tre' makeup tips for us?
I love beautiful, flawless skin, that's such an important step to take, your base really has to be flawless as it's the foundation of your makeup. Remember the 80s? It was a decade for caked up makeup! I'd say that I spend 60% of the time perfecting the base for every makeup look. I always suggest using a good moisturiser, following with a primer, and finally finishing with a good quality foundation.

3) What's the one product that you think all women should have in their makeup collections, and why?
Eyeliner! Just a basic black, kohl pencil works wonders, you can use it to create endless varieties of looks!

4) What are some of your favourite brands?
For makeup, I'd choose NARS, BYS, of course, and Smashbox.
When it comes to fashion, I'd suggest Bonds, Basic and Dior!

5) What are some of the current fashion trends you think are completely workable in real life?
I really love sixties fashion, think statement jackets, in a gorgeous emerald or black, teamed with lots of liquid liner in a sexy cats eye flick.

6) Name three products you think deserve 'Holy Grail' status and why?
Three products, that's tough. I'd go with the NARS Sheer Glow foundation, it gives you that luminous finish. I'd also suggest Stila All Day Liquid Eyeliner, it really lasts, and BYS glitter nail polish for a touch of glam.

7) What's a common makeup/fashion mistake you see many women making (you can choose which you'd prefer to address)?
Ladies, always check your foundation shades with the change in seasons. We are naturally paler in winter and more tanned in summer, so what suits you in summer won't necessarily fit you in winter, and vice versa. I'd really recommend going to a makeup counter and getting colour matched, be sure to communicate your preferences (do you like matte, luminous, powder, liquid, etc) so you're sure to get something that you really enjoy using and suits your skin well. When it comes to fashion, always make sure that your clothes are fitted, even if your weight fluctuates a little either way. Baggy clothes are not flattering on anyone!

8) Who are some of the celebrities that you really enjoyed working with?
I've been fortunate enough to work with so many lovely celebrities. If I really had to choose just one person, I'd suggest Lindy Klim, she's an amazing and very talented woman! I absolutely love her style, she's a mum and she's very healthy and relaxed. She's also amazingly versatile, she looks gorgeous in anything from Converse runners to the most glamorous high heels!

I asked Tre if he had any advice to offer anyone who wanted to get started in the industry, and his advice was to go to a good school to pick up the basics, after which, it was good to apprentice with a skilled makeup artist to build up training and skills. Tre himself draws inspiration from Henry Matisse, the artist, and credits working with some very talented makeup artists like Napolean Perdis, as well as artists from MAC and NARS in his earlier years in the industry.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Tre, and picked up some great makeup and fashion tips from him!

You can follow Tre on InstagramTwitter and on his new website, which launches soon!

Much love,

PS- Google Reader closes today so be sure to follow me on Bloglovin, or you can sign up to follow me by email!


  1. Loved this interview! Reminded me that I've gotten a tiny bit paler so I need to switch out my foundation :)

  2. Loved the interview! And OMG spot on when it comes to foundation! xx

    1. Yay, glad you liked it! And yes, something to keep in mind. :)

  3. Do like Nars sheer glow. But my mum has bought me the wrong shade! I might be able to get away with it in winter.

  4. Thank goodness then...I've got eyeliner in most colours, so I think I'm covered! :D

  5. What an awesome interview! I loved the advice he gave.

    I hope it's okay to do this, but I recently updated my make up blog sale with a ton of new make up and lower prices and (hopefully) better pictures. Most items are brand new and I'm shipping from Sydney.

    Some brands include: Urban Decay, theBalm, Le Metier de Beaute, NARS, Addiction, Shu Uemura, MAC, elf, NYX, Korean brands, Japanese brands, Rae Morris and more! Please take a look!

  6. Great interview Nalini! I really enjoyed learning more about Tre and his tips were awesome x

    1. Thanks so much, Ingy! Glad you picked up some useful tips!


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