
Monday, June 17, 2013

June 2013 Wantable Review.

Hello lovelies!

I have an exciting post to share today, and that's a new subscription box, Wantable, that I came across while reading forums on Beautyheaven! Another subscription box, you say? What's unique about it? Well, Wantable is unique for three reasons; it's solely makeup-specific (although there is also a jewellery-specific box option for those of you fashionably inclined), it's based in the US (so you get access to foreign brands), and it's a premium box (they are all full sized products)!

When you sign up, you get to fill out a tailored, comprehensive profile with loves, likes and dislikes for just about every product you can think of (think eyeshadow, lipstick, lipgloss, pencils, mascara, polish, brushes, etc). You can even choose between textures (glitter/shimmer/matte), and Wantable guarantee that you will never receive products you dislike. Each box contains 4 - 6 full sized, hand-picked items to suit your chosen preferences. The June box was designed with input from Lara Eurdolian, the editor of Pretty Connected.

Now, I know many of you have said that you wish there was a makeup specific box, so when this came across my radar, I knew I had an obligation to all of you to sign up and review it (see what I did there, this is for all of you, not me)!

I received a dispatch email on the 8th, and my box was delivered today, the 17th of June. Not too shabby when you think it's coming all the way from the US! What was a bit odd about it was the box wasn't sealed! Usually the boxes are sealed with sticky tape but this wasn't, so it's a wonder that the items inside didn't fall out or get stolen in transit.

On to the box itself...

I opened it to find a slip with my listed preferences, a 'thank you' card from Wantable and a returns paid slip (only applies to parcels mailed within the US). If by some chance you're not happy with your box, you're welcome to send it back to them for a refund, no questions asked, but it's probably a bit silly for us Australians to ship it all the way back to them.

Thank You card and returns paid label.

Thank You card.

You can see a list of my preferences; pink for loved products, blue for liked products and black for disliked products.

My list of preferences.

There was also a list of the individual products in the box, together with pricing details. I was quite impressed by the little tips provided on how to use each product.

Product information, pricing and application tips!

The items were packaged in bubble wrap, which was then wrapped up in tissue paper and buried in paper shavings to prevent damage.

June 2013 Wantable Box 

This was buried in paper shavings to prevent damage.

Here's what I received! Everything is full sized unless otherwise indicated.

Face Stockholm Luxe Lash black mascara
Face Stockholm Fantasy cream lipstick (pink)
Cala travel retractable lip brush
Rainbow Honey Pinkie Promise custom blended nail lacquer (pink glitter)
Manna Kadar pressed eyeshadow in Ravish (purple shimmer)
Apothederm serum (sample)

Items in my June 2013 Wantable box.

L-R: Face Stockholm cream lipstick, Face Stockholm mascara
and Manna Kadar pressed eyeshadow.

L-R: Apothederm serum sample and Cala lip brush.

Overall, I'm well pleased with everything I received! There are some great brands that I've heard of but never tried (like Face Stockholm) and brands I've never heard of at all (like Cala and Manna Kadar). I was also quite impressed with the way my preferences were well met, and I only received items I'd have been willing to try.

The Wantable box retails for $36 a month on a subscription (which you can cancel anytime), or $40 for a once-off box. An additional shipping and handling fee of $9 applies to boxes shipped to Australia, while boxes shipped to Canada attract a fee of $5. I believe that Wantable boxes are currently only available in the US, Australia and Canada. You can find out more and sign up by visiting their website.

I paid $45 for my box, and a quick Google search has indicated that the pricing listed on the product information slip is quite accurate, so this month's box was worth a whopping $90! I admit that $45 is a little steep to be shelling out every month, but it is quite a lovely thing to treat yourself to, given that you receive so many full-sized products, and as they are tailored to your preferences, you are likely to enjoy using all of them.

Sarah from More Than Adored also received a June Wantable Box, but her box was completely different to mine! Do check out her post to see what she got.

What do you think of the Wantable box, lovelies? Does it strike your fancy? Are you tempted to sign up?

Much love,

PS- If you're planning on signing up, or even creating an account just to have a look at the personalised preferences, I'd love if you could use my referral link! That gives me a few dollars towards a new Wantable box which I will then review for you! So it's a win-win situation, really. :) Thanks in advance!


  1. Wow, great concept! I thought it'd be like all the other subscription boxes but for it to be makeup specific and full-size products - great point of difference. And all those brands - I've never heard of any of them. Maybe I should get onto next month's box hehe

    1. Isn't it fabulous?! Let me know if you do, I'm keen to pop by and see what you get! :)

  2. This sounds like a fab box! I think a one off box is a great idea too, since they're all full sized products and all! I may have to treat myself ;)
    (Also, isn't it Sarah from More Than Adored, not Sophie? :P)

    1. OMG! *Rushes to change the typo*
      Thanks for letting me know (and sorry, Sarah, lol)! I'm a bit scatterbrained tonight as I'm trying to cook, blog, do my nails, shower, and take photos for the makeup tag all at the same time!

      I was thinking Sarah but have no idea why I typed Sophie...perhaps because that's the name of a character in a book I was recently reading? ;)

      I agree, you need to treat yourself. :)

  3. Wow!! I like these new sub boxes, so many full sized items! I'll read a few more reviews and then I might subscribe to it.

  4. Waa! Nice! Of course we know that you are doing this wholely for us!! ;) Thanks for that! I was curious what Sarah was talking about on Twitter so when I saw your post in my feed... I just had to click! Nice products, and I love the idea that everything is randomised but with accordance to your preferences! $45 a month is a bit much for me though!

    1. Ahem, like, totally! Don't you know I live to please my readers? :P

      I was dying of suspense that she got hers before I got mine!

      I agree that it is a bit steep but will be a nice little treat sometime. I don't think I could buy one every month either!

  5. I love the sound of this:) It's great that there is a makeup only option and that they truly tailor it to your preferences. It isn't too expensive either and the brands you received aren't available in Australia so it's a great way of getting to know them better.

    The shipping from the US was also super quick. I look forward to seeing what amazing looks you will be creating with your new beauty goodies xx

    1. I totally agree! Although it could be a problem if you fall in love and then have trouble buying more from the brand. :P

  6. I love the Lippy you got! I think so it's so great that they've tailored the boxes so well but the quality is still there. I'm so glad you loved your box :)

    1. I can't decide if I love the lippy more or if I love your blush more! Decisions, decisions! :)

  7. Thanks so much for 'taking one for the team'! I am extremely interested in this box as I love that you can customize it to suit your preferences. I may well consider subscribing myself - although it is really for my readers too!

    1. Oh, the sacrifices I make for my readers! ;)

      Haha, if you do, let me know so I can swing by and perve at what you got!


  8. Great review, I love what you got! I got a 30% off email from them today so decided to sign up. I got $8 off. I'll post on BH what I got when it comes in the mail:)

    1. I think it's a great deal! Can't wait to see what you get! :)

  9. Looks great! Love that they send you products based on your indicated preference.

    1. I know, less likelihood of getting something you hate. :)

  10. Finally a box just for make up! the price is a bit steep but you're right - seeing as their uniquely tailored and full sized it's worth it! Pity they don't send them to France, I would love one of them!

    1. I do agree! Fingers crossed they expand to Europe soon. :)

  11. Sounds like a good box that would provide different brands you have not heard of. And they did customise to your preference. I'm just wondering if you would continue subscribing.

    1. I agree! I don't think I could subscribe forever, it would be too easy to build up a backlog of products you haven't used yet! Storage space is a big issue for me!

      But I'd like to be subbed to a few more if possible. :)

  12. I love how they consider your preferences! That was a reason why I never signed up to any subscription boxes- just in case I wouldn't use some of the items sent. I may consider this one though, thanks for sharing!

    1. My pleasure, Ivy! Do let me know if you do, I'd love to see what get! :)

  13. How is your lip brush you got? When I got my may box I got the same brush and it was totally unusable ..they replaced it but the same issue.

    1. I haven't used it yet, Crystal, but I will keep you posted!

  14. Is it just me or did they NOT listen to your dislikes? Seems you said no lip color or lash products, yet got mascara and lipstick.

    1. Hi hun,

      Nope, it's actually colour coded according to preference. Black are items you dislike, blue you like and pink you love. :)

      So I actually received lip colour which I love, and mascara which I like. :)


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