
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Five minutes with...Kath and Kerry, founders of Her Fashion Box (and a Giveaway)!

Hi lovelies!

Happy Sunday! I hope you've all had a great weekend! I've got a new interview for you to read today, with the lovely beauties behind the Her Fashion Box brand! Please forgive me for being a bit tardy with my interview series, I actually already have four more lined up to go, I've just been a bit amiss about sending them live! Please stay tuned as they are all very fascinating reads!

If you aren't familiar with Her Fashion Box, it's a monthly subscription box containing both beauty and fashion products. You can choose to subscribe to the full monthly box for $39.95, or alternatively, pick the boxette, which is the mini version of the full box and retails for $24.95. Click here for more information!

Image provided by Her Fashion Box.

Keep reading after the jump!

1) Hi Kath and Kerry! Welcome to The Made Up Maiden! Thank you so much for speaking to us today. Could you tell us a bit about yourselves?
Kerry: Kath's experience has been in online retail, having launched online fashion store, Le Black Book, at 21 years of age. She's always been passionate about fashion e-commerce. I, on the other hand, have had five years of experience, working on beauty brands including Redken 5th Avenue NYC, L'Oreal Paris and Yves Saint Laurent. We actually met on LinkedIn and hit it off right away with the same vision. We've come a long way in the past 8 months but it's really just the beginning for us! 

2) Could you tell us a bit about how you both came up with the inspiration behind Her Fashion Box?
Together, we wanted to create a brand that delivers a tangible monthly fashion and beauty experience, like a beautiful present arriving at the door surprising and delighting women every month. We were often told by friends that they don't feel like they know how to put together a great looking outfit or hadn't quite perfected their makeup! Kerry was always being asked how she did her eye makeup or curls, and what products she used, so together we wanted to share our fashion and beauty experience, and that of our expert partners, with other women by giving them the physical products and the knowledge about how to wear and use them. We also found that women don't have the time or money to trail through the shops wondering what products were on-trend or how to choose products that suited them. We wanted to remove the guess-work out of accessorising and give women the opportunity to trial beauty products that were suited to them before they purchased them, so we wanted to incorporate convenience and value for money for our subscribers.

3) Each box is so amazing, and uniquely tailored every month. Can you tell us a bit about the process that goes into selecting the items each month?
Each month, we deliver on-trend fashion accessories to women across Australia, together with beauty and lifestyle products that we love at HFB HQ. The Her Fashion Box team all wear the fashion accessories along with trialling and reviewing the beauty products every month. The whole Her Fashion Box team live and breathe the brand, and we often have team members doubling up on accessories and matching each other.

4) You have three types of boxes, Classic, Trendy and Feminine. Which one would you each select for yourself, and why? 
Kath: I opt for the classic box every month, however I also wear all the trendy box accessories every month. My personal style is classic with a on-trend twist.
Kerry: I would choose the classic box, but it would be a very hard choice to select just one, so I imagine I would swap between the three styles which many subscribers choose to do. I like my accessories to look elegant but modern so I think classic is most suited to my personal tastes, but I also always love the trendy pieces. Although I wouldn't describe my style as feminine, I love a lot of the feminine accessories too. Kath and I only ever put accessories in the boxes that we personally love so I'd really be happy with any of the styles.

5) If I asked you to pick two beauty items and one fashion item you can't live without, what would you choose?
Kath: The one fashion item I can't live without is my Mighty Purse, a clutch that charges your iPhone. I'm constantly on the go and it's my life saver on a daily basis. I couldn't pick two, however my beauty essentials are Spirulina for glowing skin along with the MeMeMe Beat the Blues Illuminator (featured in the August Her Fashion Box), Clarins Beauty Flash Balm and drinking plenty of water. 
Kerry: I can't live without my Redken haircare! I always wear my long hair down and curled every day so I need to look after my hair with good quality, science-based haircare and styling products to keep it in place all day, and nothing beats Redken! If I had to choose one makeup product, it would be a close race between my NARS blush and my Maybelline NY mascara. There's definitely a reason Maybelline are the number one selling mascara brand, they are fabulous and affordable! The NARS blush wins because I am so pale, without it I look completely washed out. As for the fashion item, I'm going to have to go with my Marc By Marc Jacobs handbag. It carries everything I need around with me, so it's obviously practical but also goes with everything and turns what you're wearing into an actual outfit!

6) What's one beauty or fashion trend you wish would go away? 
Kath: There's no particular trend I don't like, however I think it's all about moderation and not going overkill on a trend. For example, rock metallic pieces in accessories form with a killer watch, clutch or reflector sunglasses - not a head-to-toe outfit!
Kerry: There are so many fashion and beauty trends that come and go, and I think the key is simply knowing that not all trends are for everyone. The colours, prints, styles and makeup that you wear should be based on your natural colouring, shape and style, not just what happens to be on-trend. When you look good, you feel good, so don't get caught up in the fashions; just wear what you love.

7) Can you give us a sneak peek into any new developments that might be coming our way from HFB? 
We are just about to launch 'SHOP at Her Fashion Box', which will feature fashion accessories from the boxes. You will be able to shop the box and buy your favourite accessories from other trend boxes. Our subscribers asked for it, so we are thrilled to launch it in coming weeks. If you sign up for email updates on the website, you will be first to know when we send the SHOP live!

I hope you enjoyed chatting with Kath and Kerry from Her Fashion Box as much as I did, lovelies! I'd like to thank both these lovely ladies for sparing the time to sit down with me and answer my questions! Don't forget to check out their website for great fashion and beauty tips!

Kath and Kerry have also generously provided a Her Fashion Box for one of my readers. To win, all you have to do is follow the Rafflecopter prompts below!

This giveaway is only open to Australian residents (sorry, international readers, I promise that another exciting giveaway will be available soon)! Remember, you must be a GFC or Bloglovin' follower of my blog, and you must leave a comment on why you'd like to win this box! Please also include your GFC name and email address with your comment. I will be checking, lovelies, and I'd hate to disqualify anyone because they hadn't followed the rules! You can also tweet once a day to increase your chances of winning!

Good luck!

Much love,


  1. I would love to win a kabuki brush so I can try buffing in my foundation, I would love to be able to achieve a flawless look with my foundation or base.
    I am following you via Bloglovin
    Great interview Coco xx

  2. I'd love to win a Her Fashion Box - they are a bit out of my price range but the new Boxette sounds like it might be worth a try!

  3. The ladies advice on the beauty and fashion trend question was spot on! I'm a firm believer of 'do what you like but do it well' and I think they summed it up really nicely.

    Awesome post, very impressed!!

    As to why I would like to win a box?? I don't even think this needs to be asked haha! I see the boxes reviewed all the time and I'm damn jealous! I reckon if I could afford to put my foot back in to the world of subscription boxes HFB would be my first choice, they always looks so impressive!

    GFC: Hailey O MUA

  4. I love classic accessories-anything I can wear with lots of different outfits to get my money's worth.

  5. Haha of course my experimental comment worked and my original one wouldn't post!
    I love the Feminine Her Fashion Box, every month I am so jealous of the contents when I see them blogged.
    I love filigree pieces, rose gold, diamantés, black leather and skulls, so its a bit of an odd mix! My GFC name is Hissycat Krissy and my email is :)

  6. Ahhh I just noticed the comment entry had a question. Derp, derp, derp.

    My favourite accessories are probably dangly necklaces with bracelets following close behind, my tiny wrists make it hard to find ones that fit unfortunately.

    I don't think I have a set style. Some days I like to go super casual, other days I like to wear spikes and every now and then I like to go really classic and pretty. I feel comfortable doing it all and it means I can shop anywhere and find something I like!

  7. Haha..... Now that I have read the the other comments... I am such a dufus!
    I would love to win a Her Fashion Box because I am too comfortable in my fashion choices and tend to dress more for comfort than style. With a few key pieces in the box, I am sure it will provide me with some much needed fashion inspiration.
    Claire xx

  8. I want to win this as I have not tried any boxes yet and Her Fashion Box looks very exciting

    Name : Saumya Rastogi
    email :

    1. I like to wear accessories in vogue, as well as the classic pieces ..

  9. I like small, dainty accessories that are girly and cute.

  10. I like to mix it up, so I would say my style would be trendy. It's great that the HFB came up with this concept of fashion meets beauty. Would love to give it a go :)
    Great post!
    GFC: E-von Lee-Arevalo

  11. Wow what a great interview coco I loved it and the ladies are so lovely thank you Connor

  12. Day to Day my accessories are the same and dont really change very much. Silver and turquoise stud earrings that my daughter brought for me and a silver and turquoise bracelet that I only take off when I shower.
    I do very much love and have a passion for scarves though and will add them to every outfit possible during Winter.
    Im not sure what my 'style' would be...most likely 'she needs help'...LOL
    GFC Fawn M

    meedee89 at hotmail dot com

  13. I would absolutely love to win this as i've been wanting to try Her Fashion Box since forever!
    GFC: Jay C

  14. I've had to be on a long clothing no-buy, and I would love to win the Her Fashion box to liven up old outfits with new accessories!

    My style is whimsical and eclectic. I like anything that conveys personality and theme, but in a wearable way. Sometimes I like the delicate, pretty and chaotic, sometimes bold colour, and sometimes structured minimalism.

  15. I love anything petite! Small delicate rings and bracelets are my favourites! :)

  16. I would love to win the HFB as it looks so practical and fabulous. i havent got the taste of receiving any subscribtion boxes so winning this one would be a good start.
    I love dangly earings, chunky bracelletes and all kinds of jewellery items.

  17. I would love to win HFB because having watched them from their first box, they have really taken on board feedback from customers and come a long way in a short time.
    I also am a bit afraid of accessories, so tend to stay away, this could be a great way to try accessories :)
    Rika (oonga)

  18. On a daily basis I'm fairly plain with my accessories, and basically have no idea what would suit me and what's on trend! lol! I think it's time I got an accessory-education! :)

  19. I don't have a particular style I like to stick to when it comes to accessories. If it suits my outfit, I will wear it. But I tend to wear statement necklaces or delicate rings!

  20. How gorgeous are those girls!! I'm not going to enter this competition (for now), but I might change my mind later - this box sounds the best out of all the boxes out there :) xx

  21. Great interview! It was so lovely meeting those ladies, they were so down to earth and friendly! xx

  22. I tend to keep to classic styles when it comes to accessories, I am always wearing a necklace, however I often find myself unsure of taking it any further!

  23. I like my accessories to be classic but with a modern twist. My favourite pieces of accessories to wear is earrings.

  24. I like wearing necklaces, earrings and scarves :) Not sure what I'd describe my style as, but it's sort of a glam casual on weekends, and street casual on weekdays.

  25. I usually prefer casual wear both on weekends and weekdays too <3

  26. Wait... There's a clutch that charges your iPhone???

  27. I also love scarves!They are great for adding that extra something to an outfit and are multi-functional(keeping neck and shoulders warm if the day unexpectedly cools down)as opposed to necklaces. My style I guess would be considered colourful and slightly bohemian.

  28. I love bracelets, just string bracelets - nothing too dazzling or shiny. I love layering different colours and just having fun with colour. Sometimes I will have my 'black' days, full black clothing.

    My style changes daily and I wear whatever I like and feel comfortable in :)

    Thanks lovely, for this great post!

  29. Bracelets, watches, especially something I wouldn't buy myself and ear rings, oh and of course, scarves - I could go on.......

    Interesting blog, as always. It would be difficult choosing which box. I've always considered myself with classical elegance - hope that doesn't sound pompous!


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